In somalia, marehan is the powerful tribe politically and militarily. We need to unite and bring an end to this inter clan warfare. We need overlook over differences and come together as one tribe. We will be a power to recon with. We need to get rid of the bad men among us posing as sade leaders. we need to bring our land and educate our people.
We are falling behind in somalia. Gedo is the most impoverished state in somalia at the moment and the least peaceful. As some of you are aware of, we do not have a single university in gedo while Banaadir, Bari, Awdal, waqooyi galbeed and nugaal each more than one university. We do not even have a secondary school in our important city Baled Xawo.
Why should our children in Baled Xawo attend schools in Mandhera and other kenyan cities/towns on the border? Being a tribalist is wrong when you used for the wrong reasons (to hate and kill your fellow somali muslims) but there is no sin in helping your brothers/sisters back home and building your land. So brothers and sisters, build your land and help your brothers and sisters back home because no else will. There is a lot you can for your people even you are in school/working....
You have vision and it is to help your fellow brothers and sisters. Sometimes, you don't have to wait change to come; you change with time. You or I, don't need a group of people to make a difference. Frankly, you speaking to a naked-wall because there are no feelings left in SADE soul. Brother, you can make change. Collec that $8 you pay to go to the movies every week and send it to the teachers and pubils that are teaching and being tought, respectivley in Gedo. Your $32 a month can make a difference. So lets stop lecturing and put our words into action. Malcom X once said "the future belongs to those who prepare for it today." To accomplish great things, we must dream as well as act. Brother, let your imagination soar like the white eagle. Let your growth for the help of you people bubble like the bomb of Horishama because there are no such things as limits to growth, because there are no limits on the human capacity for intelligence, imagination, and wonder. We all have ability; the difference is how we all use it. For those of you have truely want to help your ppl---remember there are obstacles that you have to overcome. There will be thresholds (your own people will be the threshold) that you have step-over. Be honest with yourself and the work your doing will be appreciated many years to come. He or she who helps one, helps all succeed. Anyway, I thing I have said many. For those of you who are interested in starting something, shoot me an e-mail at
Thank you,
A concerned Philantrapist.
FYI: Marehaan is not the most powerful tribe, Somalia is the most Powerful Tribe!: